Online Virtual classes, From the comfort of your home.

An online yoga channel and community. You can practice with my recorded videos or weekly live zoom classes

See more below.


For select guided practices, meditations and pose tutorial videos. Practice for free! Don’t forget to subscribe, like and follow.

Click here for my YouTube Channel

Private Zoom Sessions

If you’d like more indivualized attention from home, I’m available for private or semi-private zoom classes.

Reach out to me here.

I am a part of an online platform and community called Omstars, which offers over 6,000 on demand videos, weekly live classes via zoom and a virtual community. A place to learn all things yoga from the asana pracitce, to the philosphical underpinnings of the practice, to chanting, pranayama, plant-based cooking and so much more.

I have several practice courses and weekly live classes, see below for more details. You can sign up for just one live class at a $15 drop in fee or sign up for our all inclusive Omstars+ membership for unlimited live classes and on demand practices.

Click here for 50% off Omstars+ annual membership for access to over 5,000 on demand videos and daily LIVE classes

Weekly Live Class on Zoom

Weekly Live Class on Zoom

Every Tuesday 12pm - 1pm EST

Ashtanga Fundamentals

Join Monica in an exploration of the fundamentals of Ashtanga. Learn how to link breath and concentration to movement and postures. Each class will have a slightly different focus within Ashtanga’s intelligent sequencing. Take a closer look at technique, movement mechanics, and tools that are the essence of this method. This class will help you lay the foundation to move into a more advanced and intentional practice.

On Demand Courses on

  • Explore the fundamentals of this powerful system of yoga which links breath and concentration to movement and postures. Each class will have a slightly different focus within Ashtanga’s intelligent sequencing in Primary series; always taking a closer look at technique, movement mechanics, tools and concepts to embody the essence of this method. By better understanding and experiencing these foundational elements, we have the opportunity to move into a more advanced and intentional practice. We can feel into the subtleties of asana and therefore of our bodies and minds. This class is for all levels as a comprehensive introduction to Ashtanga Yoga or a re-discovery of the basics with new perspective.

  • Explore the fundamentals of this powerful system of yoga which links breath and concentration to movement and postures. Each class will have a slightly different focus within Ashtanga’s intelligent sequencing in Intermediate Series; always taking a closer look at technique, movement mechanics, tools and concepts to embody the essence of this method. By better understanding and experiencing these foundational elements, we have the opportunity to move into a more advanced and intentional practice. We can feel into the subtleties of asana and therefore of our bodies and minds. This class is for all levels as a comprehensive introduction to Ashtanga Yoga or a re-discovery of the basics with new perspective.xt goes here

  • In this course, Monica breaks down the Ashtanga primary series in short tutorials you can do at your own pace. You'll learn the posture and breath associated with each Sanskrit count in the series. When you finish the course, you'll have a firm understanding of how to do each posture and how they flow into each other.

  • Take a deep dive into Ashtanga with Monica. Explore the nuances of the postures, focusing on building a solid foundation for your practice. In this course, you'll learn to how even the most subtle changes in your approach to poses can result in significant change. Watch the replay of Monica's live classes offered right here on Omstars.

  • Guided by the breath, this class combines continuous movement to build internal heat with holding postural forms to settle in. Turn inwards and flow through a sequence that explores flexibility, strength, and a calmer mind; all while maintaining the foundational elements that make Ashtanga Yoga – Yoga.

  • Take a closer look at the technique, movement mechanics, and tools that are the essence of the Ashtanga method and lay the foundation for a more advanced and intentional practice. These short classes are for all levels. They can act as a comprehensive introduction to Ashtanga yoga or a re-discovery of the basics. Watch the replay of Monica's live classes offered right here on Omstars.

  • Wind down and take a moment to focus the mind on the breath. Join Monica Arellano for meditations that teach you to focus your mind on a single point bringing you a new sense of calmness and inner peace. These meditation class LIVE replays are appropriate for all levels.

Practice with me for free on Youtube